Monday, January 2, 2012


We are coming  to the blog party a little late, but welcome to the Forager's Landscape.  We are Tim and Mary, parents to two sassy lasses, two clingy cats, and one pampered hermit crab. 

Did we lose you at "one pampered hermit crab?"

We promise the crab won't be featured too prominently, although she is pretty cute.  What we hope to encourage within our family by writing this blog is a conscious and deliberate effort at living creatively each day.  We try to do that now, but figured this might give us a little more focus and a way to record our efforts...for the future biographers.  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Yay for new blogs! You might even inspire me to get back to my poor neglected blog... But what I really want to know is - how can you tell the hermit crab is a girl? I always wondered...

  2. From my experience, the only conclusive way of determining hermit crab gender is by asking your child.
